Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

tgs klh2011

Bakhtin suggested that we recognize speech genres because they have predictable compositional structure. Genres develop linguistic expression trough a limited number of functional stages, occurring in a particular sequence. for example horoscope text, typically involve the following stages, occurring in the following order:
General outlook:  a stage in which the astrologer makes a general statement about the period covered by the horoscope. (e.g. it will be the rosy month for you)
Uncontingent predictions: a stage in which general predictions are made about your immediate future.(e.g. you will meet and marry a tall man)
Contingent predictions:  a stage in which different advice is offered according to the salient category membership of readers.(if single, x will happen, if married, y)
Advice: a stage in which astrologers offer advices and warnings.
We cannot make all the meaning we want to at once. Each of the stages in the genre contributes a part of the overall meanings that must be made for the genre to be accomplished successfully.
Describing the schematic structure of genres bring us to two fundamental concepts in linguistic analyses: constituency and labeling.
As the name suggests, constituency simply means that things are made up of, or built out of, other things.
When we describe the schematic structure of a genre, what we are describing is constituent structure- the structure by which the whole, complete interaction is made up of part.
The aim of this description is both to identify the part that constitute the whole, and preferably at the same time, explain how the part related to each other in constituting that whole. This can be achieved by using functional labelling in the next generic explanation.
Functional Labelling
Once we begin thinking about dividing text into its constituents we must consider on what we will establish that two parts of constitute separated stages. There are essentially two kinds of criteria we could use:
1.        Formal Criteria:  this approach emphasizes sameness, as we divide the text so that each unit is constituents of the same type.
2.        Functional criteria: this approach emphasizes difference, as we divide the text according to the different function of each stage.
If we took formal approach to constituent analyses of genres, we could divide up the horoscope text into paragraph, then each paragraph into sentence, and each sentences into words and so on.
While this approach certainly tells us something about the class of linguistic items that occur within genres, it does not help us to answer the short of functionally oriented question we are concerned with: how does each stage in the genre contribute toward achieving the overall purpose of the next?
Ventola(1987) identify the stages in the book(text 3.2:post office transaction)
Sales Initiation
1 sales person                 yes please
(Costumer steps forward)
Sales Requests
2 costumer                     can I have these two like that
(Costumer hands over two letters)
Sales Compliance
Sales Person                   yes
(3 sec-sales person weight one letter)
4 sales person                 one’s forty
(3 sec-sales person weight another letter)
5 ales person                  one twenty five
Sales Request
Costumer                       and .. have you got.. the … first day covers of…
Salesperson                    yes
Sales Clarification
salespeson                      how many would you like?
Costumer                       four please
costumer                        I will take two of each
salesperson                     uhum
salesperson                     right… that’s  a dollar seventy thank you
salesperson                     here we are
costumer                        thank you
salesperson                     dollar seventy that’s two four and one’s five
                                       thank you very much
Purchase Closure.
salesperson                     they will be right I’ll fix those up in a moment
costumer                        ok
(costumer leaves)
The more complex description of the generic structure of this text can be achieved by writing the stage out in a linear sequence with the symbol ^ between stages  to indicate that stages are ordered with respect to each other. Thus, a linear description of the schematic structure of the post office text becomes:
Sales initiation^ sales request^ sales compliance^ price^ sales request^ sales clarification^ purchase^ price^ payment^ change^ purchase closure
As our description of schematic structure has indicated, the order of element of schematic structure is significant constraint. In many genres such as the transactional one most element are fixed in their order of occurrence. For example the stage of payment can only appear after payment.  The linearity of interaction means order often carries dimensions of meaning.

Grammar closely related to how we should use any language. The study of grammar equates with the study of how we talk or write correctly. but linguists argue for a clear distinction between, on the one hand, the grammatical system of a language that enables people to use language the way they do, and on the other hand, the moral and social judgments made by people about how the grammar English should be used.
Grammars that impose moral judgments, which view grammar in term of right and wrong, are prescriptive grammar. An account of how we should speak is a perspective or normative grammar. Such as grammar is interesting in linguists not for what it tells us about the fact of language, but for what it tells us about the values and prejudices of society at a given time.
The kinds of grammar linguists are use are descriptive grammars. It makes no judgment abut the goodness/the badness, rightness/wrongness of language use. A descriptive grammar is an account of how speakers actually use the language. Linguists are not interested in making a judgment about whether people should or shouldn’t use particular structures. They simply describe grammar that enables language user to do what they do.
A descriptive grammar will run by making statements and assessments not about good/bad, right/wrong, but about appropiacy or inappropiacy. Degree of appropiacy is assessed not in term of arbitrary blanker statements about inflexible grammar rule, but as statements about grammar as a set of choices use in context.
Therefore our descriptive grammar will explain that not standard use of the past participle for the simple past (seen) or the form youz as a plural second person pronoun, while quite appropriate in informal situations and are appropriate for formal occasions. As such form has become an information about socio-economic information (social class, ethnic), and it has a correlation with an implicit ideological belief (fantasy) that we interact with others as equals.
Descriptive grammar will allow us to make statements about the appropiacy of certain linguistic given in the context of their use. it is a potential skill you must possess if you want to be able to describe, discuss, compare and understand how people use to do social life.

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012


1.1         Title of the Research
       The title of this research is the analysis of continuity adjunct in the conversation of British Council Elementary Podcast Series 01 Episode 01.
1.2         Field of study
       The field of study in this research is discourse analysis mainly on the usage of continuity adjunct.
1.3         Background of the study
       In social life, people always communicate with each other by using language. Language is one of means of communication. Communication and language can not be separated each other. It happens when people interact each other. The function of communication is to share information, idea, expression, and feeling. There are two kinds of communications, spoken and written. Spoken communication uses verbal language as it main tool, while written one employs written language as it instrument.
       In conducting communication people use words and utterances to express what they have in mind toward the listener. They often have a casual conversation to make them easier in delivering the information.  In expressing sentences, people often add words like well, ehm, hmm, in the beginning of their utterances. These kind of word are also called as continuity adjunct. Suzanne (2004:164) states that continuity adjunct category includes the continuative and continuity items, particularly frequent in casual talk, such as well, yea, oh, emm, hmm, where these items occur to introduce a clause, and signal that a response to prior talk to is about to be provide. The researcher wants to analyze about continuity adjunct in the conversation of British Council Elementary Podcast.
       British council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations registered in England as a charity. this organization provide some media related to learning English especially for the beginners like podcast, on line quiz, mp3, and its transcript, and some tips about learning English and United Kingdom.
       A podcast is a type of digital media format consisting of an episodic series of files (either audio or video) subscribed to and downloaded through web syndication. It is free to listen and create content, which departs from the traditional model of 'gate-kept' media and production tools (Wikipedia).
       In the podcast we find many continuity adjuncts like well, erm, hmm, ok, oh, and so on. Here are the conversations taken from the conversation of British Council Elementary Podcast. Ravi and Gordon are having a short conversation before continue the next section. Gordon wants to tell a joke story, but before he tells the story he asks about the time limitation and then he says:
Gordon: How long have I got?
Ravi: One minute – at the most.
Gordon: OK then. Erm, right. A chicken walks into
a library…
       Gordon starts his story by saying erm, before deliver his joke story. He uses a continuity adjunct before continuing what he intends to say. It is different from the next conversation between Ravi and Tess. Ravi and Tess are the presenters. After having some sort conversation they say:
       Ravi: I’ll tell you what Tess, why don’t you call your cat Didier?
That’s a great name for a cat.
       Tess: Hmm.
       In this conversation, Tess uses word Hmm to answer Ravi’s question. She states the continuity adjunct without any further explanation about what they are talking about. It is different with the statement of Suzanne (2004:164) that state that continuity adjuncts occur to introduce a clause, and signal that a response to prior talk to is about to be provide. Tess does not continue or introduce a clause after saying the continuity adjunct.
       From explanations and the examples above especially the second one, it is interesting to analyze the continuity adjuncts which occur in different context from what it usually does and what are the factors influencing this phenomenon that can be found in the conversation of the British Council elementary podcast series 01 episode 01.

1.4         State of  the Problems
       In this study, the researcher presents the problems, those are:
1.      What are the continuity adjuncts found in the conversation of British Council Podcast Series 01 Episode 01?
2.      What are the factors that influence the occurring of continuity adjunct in the conversation of British Council Podcast Series 01 Episode 01?
1.5         Purpose of the Research
       In this study, the researcher also presents the purpose, those are:
1.      To find out the kind of continuity adjuncts that includes in the conversation of British Council Elementary Podcast Series 01 Episode 01?
2.      To find out other factors that influence the occurrence of continuity adjuncts in the conversation of British Council Elementary Podcast Series 01 Episode 01
1.6         Object of the Research
       This study focuses on the analysis of continuity adjunct as a function of textual meaning in the British council elementary podcast series 1 episode 1.

1.7         Significance of the Research
       From the result of this research, the researcher expects many advantages for the reader as follow:
1.      This study may give contribution to the understanding of the use of continuity adjunct in a conversation.
2.      This study can also be useful for people in understanding the language used by the speaker in the conversation of British Council Elementary podcast series 01 episode 01.

cerita lucu

Suatu hari di salah satu ruangan di gedung MPR/DPR. Seorang anggota dewan yang baru diangkat, tampak masih canggung, lugu dan serba kikuk.
Rupanya dia wakil dari daerah dan belum pernah bekerja atau punya ruangan yang megah. Beberapa saat kemudian, ada yang mengetuk pintu ruangannya.
Setelah dibuka, berdiri dihadapannya 2 orang dengan kopor besar dan segulungan kabel. "Wah..., ini pasti wartawan TV yg mau mewawancarai aku...", pikirnya dalam hati.
Agar tampak berwibawa dan membela rakyat, sambil melihat jam dan mengangkat telepon dia berkata: "Maaf tunggu sebentar, saat ini saya harus menghubungi ketua fraksi untuk melaporkan hasil-hasil sidang hari ini..."
Kemudian selama beberapa puluh menit dia menelpon dan terlibat pembicaraan tingkat tinggi, sambil sekali-sekali menyebut-nyebut 'demi rakyat' atau 'kepentingan rakyat' keras-keras. Setelah selesai sambil meletakan gagang telepon dia berkata pada dua orang tamunya tsb.
"Nah, sekarang wawancara bisa kita mulai..."
Kedua orang itu tampak bingung dan berpandangan satu sama lain. Akhirnya salah satunya berkata: "Maaf pak..., kami datang kesini mau memasang saluran telepon bapak..."
Bahasa Indonesia vs Bahasa Silet Investigasi
(Dalam gaya berbicara Peni Rose)

Bahasa Indonesia: selingkuh
Bahasa Silet: goncangan kesetiaan cinta kini kandas sudah
Bahasa Indonesia: kangen
Bahasa Silet : sedang dilanda rasa rindu nan menggelora sehingga tak bisa tidur semalaman
Bahasa Indonesia: Galau
Bahasa Silet: Lara merundung menyesakkan dada, sungguh hanya kekasih pelipurnya
Bahasa Indonesia: kawin
Bahasa Silet: Erangan nafsu pemecah sukma di malam syahdu
Bahasa Indonesia: cantik
Bahasa Silet: raga nan indah bak intan permata bagaikan ratu cleopatra .
Bahasa Indonesia: Kangen mantan
Bahasa Silet: Hati masygul yang berderik laksana sungai kering mengungkung ikan-ikan penuh dahaga .
Bahasa Indonesia: kebelet boker
Bahasa Silet: desakan jiwa dan nurani menyemburatkan rona tertahan ingin bebas tapi tak berdaya dihadapan yang tercinta .
Bahasa Indonesia: Upil
Bahasa Silet: Butir-butir debu dalam rongga kehidupan
Bahasa Indonesia: ciuman
Bahasa Silet: 2 bibir bertaut merenda kasih saling berkatub seakan tak ingin lepas membuat jiwa menggelora penuh asa .
Bahasa Indonesia : bau jigong
Bahasa Silet: semerbak aroma menusuk sukma,nista tak tertertahankan menggetarkan tirani
Bahasa Indonesia: Ngantuk
Bahasa Silet: dua jendela hati yang tak kuasa menahan rasa menutup hari .
Bahasa Indonesia:nonton SM*SH
Bahasa Silet: termenung sejenak meresapi para pria nan elok mencolok membuat mata tercolok
Bahasa Indonesia: penggemar Justin Bieber
Bahasa Silet: perawan2 labil yg menggelinjang di depan panggung .
Bahasa Indonesia: lapar
Bahasa Silet: Erangan batin yang berkobar dalam rongga kenistaan hingga menjerit, menjalar asa kehampaan .
Bahasa Indonesia: kentut
Bahasa Silet: sekelebat nirwana yang memaksa batas norma
Bahasa Indonesia: abis boker
Bahasa Silet: setelah bergeming dg deru asa hingga bersimbah peluh akhirnya tergores senyum diwajah….
Si Bejo sedang buru2 menuju ke kantaronya karna kesiangan bangun
dan tak sengaja dia menabrak seekor burung di tengah perjalanannya karna menendarai mobilnya dengan sangat cepat
dilihatnya burung itu, ternyata kepalanya terluka dan burung itu pingsan
karna merasa iba dan bersalah kepada burung itu maka dia memutuskan untuk pulang
sesampainya dirumah ditaruhlah burung itu dalam sangkar besi dan diciprat2inya air, tapi burung itu gak sadar juga
keesokan harinya ketika dia mau berangkat ke kantor diberinya air dalam wadah kecil dan roti dalam sangkar burung itu dipikirnya 'nanti setelah burung itu sadar pasti dia sangat haus dan lapar'
dan dia berangkat kerja seperti biasa....
burung itu ternyata sadar juga
burung itu melihat sekitar dilihatnya ada air minum dan septong roti..
terus dia melihat sekelilingnya ternyata dia ada di dalam jeruji besi
dan burung itu berkata dalam hati sambil menangis...
'Oh... Tuhan rupanya kemarin aku menabrak pengendara mobil pasti dia meninggal sehingga aku sekarang di penjara. Maafkan aku Tuhan aku tak sengaja...'
Kejahatan Saat Tahun Baru
Hari ini adalah Tahun Baru dan hakim sedang dalam suasana hati yang gembira saat ia bertanya kepada tahanan,
"Anda dituntut karena tuduhan apa?"
"Melakukan belanja Tahun Baru terlalu awal", jawab terdakwa.
"Itu bukan suatu pelanggaran", kata hakim. "Seberapa awal anda melakukan belanja?"
"Sebelum toko dibuka Pak Hakim."
"Lalu dimana letak salahnya Jaksa Penuntut???" tanya hakim itu
Jaksa Penuntut melongo dengan wajah tak percaya...
Nama org Jepang sesuai dgn pekerjaan nya
Kuraba Sakumu : Pencopet
Sayabisa Urusi : Calo
Nikita Sukanari : Penari di tmpt hiburan
Samakami Sampepagi :Cewek di nightclub
Takasi Kamucoba : Sales door to door
Kitakasi Murasaja : Seorang pemilik toko
Yukasi Kitaterima : Kasir
Takada Gaji : Pengangguran
Aigaya Sanasini : Fotomodel
Kitabuka Kamupoto : Fotomodel bokep
Sukabawa Sayuri : Tukang sayur
Tyada Ruma : Gelandangan
Aisuka Susumu : Penjual pakaian dlm wnta
Kuobati Anumu : Dokter kelamin
Masimuda Masutipi : Artis cilik
Kusabuni Itunoda : Tukang cuci
Istri vs Suami
Sepasang suami istri sedang berada dalam mobil, menyusuri jalan
dalam kota, dan saling mendiamkan karena beberapa menit lalu mereka
baru saja beradu argurmen. Tak lama, mereka melewati sebuah areal
persawahan di mana banyak terapat kambing dan sapi yang sedang
merumput. Si Suami menunjuk ke kawanan kambing dan sapi itu sambil
berkata sinis kepada si Istri,”Saudara – saudara mu ya tuh?”
“Iya, jawab si Istri,”Saudara ipar.”

*Istri cerdas

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Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

يَا الله...يَا الله... ياَ الله.. ياَرَحْمَن يَارَحِيْم ...لاَإلهَ إلَّاالله...لاَ إلهَ إلاَّ اللهُ اْلعَظِيْمُ الْحَلِيْمُ...لاَ إِلهَ إِلَّا الله رَبُّ اْلعَرْشِ اْلعَظِيْمِ...لاَ إِلهَ إلَّا اللهُ رَبُّ السَّموَاتِ وَرَبُّ الْأَرْضِ وَرَبُّ اْلعَرْشِ اْلكَرِيْمِ...مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ،كَلِمَةٌ حَقٌّ عَلَيْهَا نَحْيَا وَعَلَيْهَا نَمُوتُ وَعَلَيْهَا نُبْعَثُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ تَعَالَى مِنَ اْلأمِنِيْنَ.